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Let’s talk learning difficulties. The ignored geniuses of Africa!!!

Togo - Afrique
How many children and students are believed to be stupid, lazy, unintelligent or do not have any chances for academic achievements in education? Many!!! But should this be the case? The answer is a big NO. Often these children and students are failed by the lack of awareness, expertise and resources relating to the conditions they may have.

These conditions are referred to as learning difficulties. In general, people with learning difficulties are of average intelligence or are highly intelligent individuals. In fact, many famous people in the Western countries have learning difficulties (Einstein, Picasso, Mohamed Ali, Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Tom Cruise, Will Smith...)

So, the purpose of this article is to help raise the awareness of the conditions among educators and the wider community. This is to help the initiation of work aiming at assisting people with learning difficulty reaching their fullest potential and maybe become the geniuses that they are meant to be.

This first publication will list some of the learning difficulties and the focus will be placed on one of the most common learning difficulty, dyslexia, in the following publications.

What are learning difficulties?

Learning difficulties are not diseases. They are conditions that affect the acquisition and processing of information; they do not affect individuals’ intelligence, but may impact on the acquisition of literacy skills.

There are different types of learning difficulties:

Dyslexia is a condition preventing the acquisition of literacy skills; it also affects areas such as memory, motor and information sequencing skills.

Dyspraxia or DCD is a developmental disorder causing difficulty in activities requiring coordination and movement.

Dyscalculia is a developmental disorder causing difficulties in making arithmetical calculations.

ADD or Attention Deficit Disorder is a behavioural disorder, primarily in children, making the ability to concentrate very difficult

ADHD or Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder is a behavioural disorder causing both concentration and hyperactivity difficulties

Delali Idrissou, Dyslexia Specialist
MA Inclusive Education, MA FE Practitioner
Postg SpLD Dyslexia - AMBDA
Dip. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
Dip. Adult Numeracy
Member of PATOSS
Member of Institute for Learning (MIfL) - QTLS
[email protected]