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 8:57:15 PM Dimanche, 5 Mai 2024 | 
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Call for International meeting

 To all Togolese Association and Political parties abroad,

Further to recent event that occurs in our beloved homeland, Togo, and following the efforts that you have all demonstrated from USA to Europe and from all over Africa, allow me to suggest the following:

1. International meeting somewhere in Europe: Holding meeting though not everyone could attend, but delegation from each association or political parties could attend. The aim for such a meeting is to coordinate our action and lay down the next steps. Everyone is doing fine and fighting hard by calling for demonstration but what we also need is a central brain for our movement that could coordinate all actions and take decision.
2. Strategic planning: We could use this meeting to develop a strategy that will be used during our future fight. The good thing of this meeting would be to have one voice and see clearly which path we are going to take to win our future battle

I therefore suggest that it would be advantageous to consider an existing association to coordinate this meeting and come up with the name of city where the meeting will be held as well as suggesting the date. We must act very quickly in order to be ahead. We must not waste time for, more time we loose, more chance we will be granting Mr. Faure and his clan to believe they are winning.

Should anyone wish to contact me, please do not hesitate for below are my contact details:

Benjamin Agboli Dip. Pgd. MSc. Grad (MIEx)
United Kingdom
Tel: +447951297397
Email: [email protected]